Welcome to Trackchat

The cloud based digital home for athletes and sports clubs.

Whether you run a club, are considering running a club, are a member of a club or just an individual with an interest in sport, Trackchat can help you. With its tools to help manage all sizes of sports clubs, coupled with a secure intra-club social media network, it really is the choice for bringing your sports club and athletes into the digital world.

Rather than just reading all about Trackchat, why not take a peek at out intro video. It gives you a brief insight in to what the service offers.


Looks great. Let's now take a look at a few real-life scenarios where Trackchat can help - just to explain further


Use Cases

Use Case #1

I run a club with 100 athletes, many are classed as minors. How can I keep track of who turns up and when they leave so I comply to my Safeguarding rules?

Use Case #2

I run a club with around 200 athletes, a mix of ages and genders and only a few coaches. How can I keep track of how effective my club is being from a training perspective?

Use Case #3

I run a club with around 250 members. I stopped creating a regular newsletter because it was taking far too much time to prepare. How can I do this effectively without compromising on content or quality?

Use Case #4

I run a club with around 100 athletes, mainly younger people. It would be great if we had a way of sharing success and experiences within the club, using tech they're familiar with, but avoiding potential online abuse from those outside the club.

Use Case #5

I'm starting a new fitness club, initially 5 members but expecting to grow in time. The fitness bit I'm ok with but the admin side of the club is daunting. Is there something out there that can help?

Use Case #6

I run a growing gymnastics club. We're doing well but I'm hopeless on the admin side and parents are starting to complain. What can I do?

And this is just the start...

Planning for the Future

You've seen from the video snippits what Trackchat can already do, but we're not stopping there. This is just the start. We have exciting developments in the pipeline, all designed to enhance your club and athlete digital experiences. this is just a taste of the pipeline:

  • Club inventory management
  • Club awards, rankings and records
  • Athlete training & event result reporting and logging
  • Interactive training performance logging and analysis
  • And more...