Digital Advertising

Learn how to use our digital advertising tools to enhance your reach.

Targeted Advertisements

Trackchat, the cloud based digital home for athletes and sports clubs. Our aim is to help you grow and modernise your clubs, focussing on technology to bring you into the future. We can do this through advertising and sponsorship, which will not only help you grow your club, but also expand the reach of your business by providing a platform of opportunity, allowing you to advertise and reach further!

Simplicity through Self-Serve

With an ever-growing athlete base, we provide a platform for you to expand your reach when it comes to advertising, you will not only be able to advertise to a vast athlete base but also a vast business base which will increase your views and get more people interested in your clubs or businesses. Through advertising on Trackchat, you'll be able to:

  • Buy credits from the online store, which can then be used to fund advertising campaigns.
  • Campaigns are courses of action that allow you to promote a product, service or event, in this case they promote adverts. You can set the length of run time for the campaign, define your target market, whether you want a credit limit and the priority you want the advert to hold.

Feature Rich

We offer four main priorities of advertising: Banners, Prioritised, Standard and Kiosk advertising.

  • Banners are adverts made from dedicated images, these are in full view and as a result will see the most traffic, allowing you the greatest amount of reach but consuming more credits
  • Prioritised adverts are posts that appear within the top 3 posts on the feed, these still provide an exceptional reach and ensure that your advert is getting the views it deserves, these consume less credits than banners but more than standard advertising.
  • Standard adverts are posts that appear within the top 10 posts on the feed, although still a good way of advertising, they will likely not see the traffic that banners or prioritised adverts see, but they are the cheapest form of advertising available
  • Finally, we offer kiosk advertising, these are adverts for when your kiosk is idling, however, these are only available if you have the kiosk mode

All advertising on Trackchat is a self-serve component, meaning you can do it all by yourself!

Getting Started

Advertising through Trackchat then is simple and effective, allowing you to grow your club or business and make sure that you are at the forefront as we take club management into the modern age.

All advertising, campaigns and tracking is achieved through the self-serve tools. If you require further information, please contact us at